2021 INBOUND Recap

New HubSpot Product Releases: 

HubSpot Payments: (!!!) We're really jazzed about this one at TFD. With the launch of HubSpot’s payments feature, you can deliver a delightful and connected buying experience from your CRM. This feature is built natively within HubSpot — so it's easy to embed payment links into emails, quotes, websites, or live chats for faster delivery and more streamlined collection. 

Sandboxes: Well, this is genius. Sandboxes are production-like portals that mirror your HubSpot portal so you can explore new features and test new ideas that will impress your customers and set your team up for success without impacting your current set up or flow.

Business Units: For those of you who have more than one product or publication in your HubSpot account ... Business Units allows you to manage multiple brands from one account and confidently manage contacts, assets, and settings across multiple brands. 

➡️ There's more!!! Read about all the new product features and upcoming ones. (Did I see an email approval flow tool? Hallelujah.)

TL;DR'd sessions in between client calls...

Why Working Remote Is More Toxic Than in Person 

TL;DR: Well into the pandemic, managers are still grappling with the idea of how best to manage in a remote workplace. The title is misleading as the takeaway is not that a remote workplace is actually more toxic, but keeping it less so requires extensive communication. My favorite line from the session: "Over communication in a remote workplace is not a thing." Communicating effectively in a remote environment requires intention, presence and clarity. Some of the tips on fulfilling this? Be crystal clear on company goals, use cascade communication (getting managers informed prior to big company announcements), and find ways to foster asynchronous communication. Oh, and just for funsies, create a group playlist to share each week for team bonding. Nothing like Lil Nas to bring the group together.

Killer SEO Strategies Through Product Design Methodology 

TL;DR: As algorithms get smarter, so does our need to work within them. Long gone are the days of linking and keywords, the Google algorithm is focused on intent. The new SEO is user centered on need states rather than search terms alone. Focusing on need states requires your brands to become the Expert, Authority and Trusted brand for users searching on the web (Google introduced E.A.T as part of their 2018 update), as well as learning to understand your user better. Consider starting your SEO strategy by building out personas first, instead of letting keywords be your driver.

Google Ads Hacks 

TL;DR: Google has the largest potential reach for a client that wants to advertise. Think BIG. Not only does Google occupy 40% of the total market for digital ad spend, it's also twice the size of Facebook, it's next largest competitor. This session focused on optimizing your campaigns in order to increase your return on ad spend and tips and tricks for conversions and smart shopping, while utilizing Google's Dynamic Prospecting to acquire new users.

Email Myths Busted 

TL;DR: We love a hot email tip or two. And this was chock full of some simple email hacks to try out before the end of the year. To name a few, subject line tactics converting into more opens: ‘fake mistakes’ the ole ‘oops we forget to mention this deal’ trick, as well as bookend emoji (think:⚡Buy Today⚡) can add a significant lifts to open rates. Other subject line lifts? Consider using ‘vs’ or list round ups in your subject line. Another session hot tip: With the Apple changes, build two audiences within your database one for those on apple, one for the rest. Use your non-apple group to still monitor baseline success of your email open rates. And finally, my favorite line from the session as an email marketer, "focus on the 2 foot level" - aka the wins are in the margins!

Building Brand Credibility & Visibility Through Link Building

TL;DR: If you’re looking for the quickest way to boost your SEO, this is it: Link building. So what exactly is link building? Link building is an SEO tactic that focuses on having outside websites link to your website. This shows Google that other pages/people are acknowledging the importance + credibility of your site’s content. Not only do these digital partnerships solidify your status as a credible source, they increase the visibility of your site. More links = more entryways to your page = more eyes on your content. To create these partnerships, you will: 1) Choose the keywords you want to optimize towards 2) Verify the content you have pertaining to that keyword is “good” content 3) Find websites you want to link to and from 4) Find relevant contact information for the websites you’d like to work with 5) Write and send email campaigns to your potential partners 6) Answer opportunities and send link requests 7) Track link placements and continuously optimize efforts!

A Crash Course on RevOps 

TL;DR: With the introduction of the Revenue Operation Hub this year, content around this job title(?) was popular! And the more you understand how channels have evolved over the years, it’s sort of a ‘duh’ moment when you think of this role within a company. You used to have your IT/Dev department and your marketing department, but with tools so wildly accessible, there is a serious gap between managing the two. Enter the Revs Op manager, the developer/marketer hybrid, someone who is not just making sure ‘it ’(it being whatever platform you’re working with) not only ‘works’ technically, but also it provides a superior consumer experience. Good rev ops teams prioritize customer experience vs. function alone and think of their customer as the frontline teams they are managing too. I love this role! Now it’s time brands start valuing it.

A Debate: LinkedIn Organic v. LinkedIn Ads

TL;DR: Spoiler alert: A combination of both an organic strategy and a paid strategy is best, but if you're new the LinkedIn in general, consider investing in your organic strategy to see what your audience resonates with. LinkedIn is expensive. Oh, and to be powerful on LinkedIn, it takes the whole company buy in. Companies who are doing it right: Whole FoodsCanva

Using Metaphors for Storytelling Success 

TL;DR: This session's big takeaway for me? Emotion wins over intellect. Gosh, that’s scary to think about in an age of misinformation. But as marketers, we have a real opportunity for conversion and strong brand affinity when we speak to our consumers with emotion. The best way how? Using storytelling that touches on all of our senses. Luckily for us, we work with publishers who are the best storytellers in the biz. The key is translating some of that expertise to marketing mediums. Also, I can’t confirm how this fits in exactly, but another great quote from this sessions rockstar speaker, "if you can’t explain it to a six year old, you truly don’t know it yourself."

Purpose Driven SEO 

TL;DR: Believe it or not, you could be spreading yourself too thin when it comes to SEO. The truth is that you need to find what works and double down. For many companies, the most effective tactics have proven to be link building and good content. Of course, your site needs to have good “SEO Hygiene'' (meaning technical quirks need to be resolved), but the majority of work needs to focus around the two tactics mentioned previously. So, how can we get other companies to link to our page? As Google’s algorithm continuously develops, it now favors sites with return visitors, engagement, and google reviews — AKA, Google likes to see that people like your site. To boost these metrics, consider partnering with a philanthropic cause. Partnering with a philanthropy or advocating for a cause will give you back links from sites that wouldn’t have linked to you otherwise + engagement. To see an example of this strategy, check-out IFIXIT’s Right to Repair page, linked here. Find a cause you're passionate about, and let it work for you. That's a win-win. 

Our Guide to Launching a Referral Email Marketing Program (Part 1)

The Anatomy of a Welcome Workflow

The Anatomy of a Welcome Workflow