As we move into the holiday season and time seems to speed up, it's essential to prepare for 2024. If there's one thing we know, from our finger on the pulse of the publishing industry and the audits we complete for small to large publishers, the digital landscape is changing quickly, and not everyone is prepared. Are you? 

3 Ways Publishers Can Optimize Their Website For Google’s New Helpful Content Update

In years prior, Google had considered familiar factors when it came to deciding which pages would dominate SERPS. Pre-2012, backlinks were the surest way to exemplify your website’s authority to Google. Then came the Penguin update which down-ranked websites that had unnatural/spammy links. In 2013, Google’s Hummingbird update combated a formerly favored SEO tactic–keyword stuffing–by focusing more on user intent as opposed to keywords solely. In 2015 the search engine deprioritized websites that lacked mobile-friendly user experiences with their Mobile update.